Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gov Adams Oshiomhole Humiliates Poor Widow In Public - Tells Her To Go And Die [VIDEO]

**This video might make you cry... I struggled to keep hold of that drop of tears but I couldn't coz its so touching...The video made me to remember the song 'Where is the love' by Black Eyed Peas**

Woke up with strength and vigour this morning and was up to face today with all hopes and aspirations but was sad & almost started crying after watching this video.

I've been an advocate of leaders been strong at all time with will power to carry out leadership responsibilities.
Watch and Download Video after the cut:

And that emotional leaders don't go far but certainly not this way. In leadership and governance, there's a place for 'Human face' no matter the circumstances.

Widows to the best of my knowledge are integral part of our society and if we don't apply human face when dealing with them, am afraid we are far from getting there as a people.

Two wrongs indeed can never make things right and as such, can't fathom why the Governor of Edo State, Comrade Adams A. O. will treat this widow like this and even tell her to go and die when she's struggling to provide food for her family.

I think it would've been far better to make her pay a fine for her wrong doing than this humiliation. The agony of the poor in our society......

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