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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Beyonce Hits 800,000 Downloads In 3days, Rihanna Furious!
Beyonce took fans by surprise when she released a 32 track album on iTunes which has now made history as the fastest ever iTunes seller with more than 800,000 downloads in 3 days.
One person is reportedly angry about this and this is Rihanna.Reports claim she is furious that Beyonce intentionally tried to upstage the video for her No1 hit with Eminem Monster .Her video is dropping today but its no match for Beyonce’s whooping 17 videos.
“Rihanna and Beyonce have always had a very cordial [relationship], but they are definitely competitors,
“I think Beyonce is jealous of Rihanna. First there were those Jay Z [affair] rumors, and lately people are acting like Rihanna [is] the top girl in the game. . . . [I think] Beyonce definitely pulled a power play and let Rihanna know who the Queen is.” Considering that the pair share the same management, there could definitely be some angry phone calls flying, courtesy of BadGalRiri.
In their defense, there’s a great chance that Rihanna’s team was completely in the dark about the whole thing, along with pretty much the rest of the entertainment industry
According to Mediatakeout