Apple 1 |
[1] Apple 1
Built in 1976, this was the first product that Apple ever sold. It was built in a garage and was designed by Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs was the one who egged him on, and together they sold whatever they had to build it.
[2] Apple becomes incorporated
In 1977 Apple became Apple Inc. without co-founder Ronald Wayne who sold his shares for $800. Millionaire Mike Markkula saw potential in this company and helped out with $250,000 during this crucial time.
[3] Macintosh (128K)
This was the original Apple Macintosh personal computer. With an "impressive" 9 inch screen, it was sold in 1984 and was introduced in a 3rd quarter Super Bowl commercial.
[4] Macintosh Portable
This was Apple's first attempt, in 1989, at a battery powered computer. This was also the first computer to send an email from space!
[5] Apple 1984 commercial
Taking some ideas from George Orwell's futuristic novel "1984," this million dollar commercial had its debut during the Super Bowl in 1984 and is well recognized still.
[6] Steve Jobs as CEO
In 1997 Gil Amelio got ousted by the board of directors after 3 dismal years of low stock prices. Steve Jobs stepped up as interim CEO of the company and restructured the company's product line.
[7] iPod (Classic)
This came out in 2001 as one of the first MP3 players out there. In comparison to current models its large an clunky, but back then it was one of the hottest new things around.
[8] iMac G4
In 2004, this sleek, unique new look took America by surprise. This new design allowed for the monitor to be moved around easily.
[9] Nike+iPod
This revolutionized the world in 2006 for hardcore runners that wanted to keep track of their stats. They were already carrying almost all the equipment anyways.
[10] AppleTV
Not much to look at, but this device is capable of streaming any digital information from the computer to a high definition TV. First gen sold in 2007.
[11] iPhone
Chances are you know someone who had one. This device made unimaginable profits for Apple. It was the best built touchscreen phone in the 2007 market.
[12] iPod Touch
In 2007, this was the first iPod product with a touchscreen and wifi capabilities. The latter part allowed it to have apps.
[13] MacBook Air
This product was touted in 2008 to be "as light as air" and "the world's thinnest notebook."
[14] Steve Jobs dies
Spokesperson and CEO of Apple Inc. dies on October 5, 2011. There were rumors that he had been ill, but the death came as a shock to millions of people.
[15] iPad 3
This new device was greatly anticipated, and came out in 2012 with a much better resolution camera and improved screen. It was definitely a step up from the older version.