BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) is a proprietary Internet-based instant messenger and videotelephony application. It was developed by the manufacturer of the BlackBerry, BlackBerry Limited (formerly known as Research In Motion Limited (RIM)). It was released to Android a few days ago. Follow the tutorial to Install BBM on PC Using Bluestacks.
Download and install from the bellow link.
NOTE : you need a updated version of bluestacks.
Download and extract BBM Apk
Download and extract BBM Apk
Instructions to Setup BBM:
1.Download and install Bluestacks from the above link.
2.After installing Bluestacks open the BBM apk previously downloaded.
3.When the BBM apk is installed in the Bluestacks open the BBM from the Bluestacks app launcher.
4.Your are now done just sign in to the BBM account and start using BBM on PC.
Enjoy Messaging
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