Wednesday, January 22, 2014

11 easy diet tips to stay in shape

11 easy diet tips to stay in shape
1. Get active, one step at a time:
You dont have to shell out on signing up for an expensive gym membership or a personal trainer. Try becoming more active one step at a time and slowly increase the amount you do each day and week.

2. Swap the car for a walk on short journeys:
Whether its walking the kids to school or parking a little further away from work and walking the difference, finding small, manageable ways to build activity into your everyday life will make it easier to keep up your fitness regime.

3. Get into a new groove:
Successful long-term weight loss isnt only about eating differently, its about developing healthy new habits that you can keep up for life. Often they become so ingrained that you dont even know you are doing them. This is called getting into the new groove.

4. Swap thinking about end goal for small targets:
Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not a race. Thinking about your end goal can be daunting, especially if youve got a lot of weight to lose, so break your weight loss down into more manageable targets.
5. Swap impromptu eating for planned meals:
When you dont have anything in the fridge, the cupboards are bare and you are starving hungry, its easy to be tempted by speedy convenience foods. Planning your meals ahead and even cooking in advance keeps you in control and you don’t waste food or money. Making a list before hitting the supermarket is a great idea, too, so you wont be tempted by those sneaky offers at the end of the aisles.

6. Swap going it alone for support:
Research shows that slimmers who get support by joining a group of like-minded slimmers are more likely to be successful than those who go it alone.

7. Swap separate meals for healthy family food:
When we embark on a diet, we often expect to have to eat differently to the rest of our family, and the thought of having to force down a salad while everyone enjoys their favourite meal can be off-putting to say the least.
8. Swap TV eating for sitting around the table:
When youre distracted while eating, its easy to eat beyond feeling satisfied because you dont notice the signs that you are feeling full as quickly. Sitting with your family will also mean everyone looks forward to mealtimes.

9. Swap feeling envious for motivation:
Envying someone elses success can be excruciating, but wanting what someone else has can also be very motivating. Keep positive by thinking, what first step can I take to get what this person has? How can I learn from them? Maybe, even ask for their help and support.
10. Swap self-doubt for self-belief:
We can all be our own worst critics and its easy to focus on our failings. But by noticing our successes and being kind to ourselves, we can believe in ourselves and achieve more……….
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